Posts tagged: firefly

Castle: “The Last Frontier”

The opening sequence is quite cheesy, as desired. Definitely reminiscent of Galaxy Quest.

Did I miss that Castle’s stuff was coming out in comics now? What did Castle mean by mumbling “how far they fall…”? And I’m entertained by Beckett’s “chests” plural, but I assume the trailing “s” was just because Castle had the best look of shocked surprise on his face. And yes, it is hilarious that Castle looked up.

He said “shiny”! Whoo Firefly!

I must assume that Alexis’ Princess Leia outfit was the white one from A New Hope, given that Alexis was little, and also what happens later in the episode….

Doc Ock and Spiderman! The Borg! Cylons! And yes, of course Castle would want it to be Number Six.

Here’s the best part: “I’m sorry — how is Nebula-9 worthy of all this? I mean, they were cancelled over a decade ago. After 12 episodes, which was 12 episodes too many [...] I’m a fan of good scifi: Star Trek, Battlestar, that Joss Whedon show [...]” — let’s see now: Firefly had 9 main characters, was a spaceship show, had 12 episodes (okay, not 14, but sort of close enough, according to the rest of the internet), aired over a decade ago (they had their 10-year anniversary panel a few months ago at Comic-Con), and totally counts as good scifi from “that Joss Whedon guy.” Also, “Max Rennard”? Can you say “Mal Reynolds”?

Oh, Perlmutter. Though I’m confused why he pointed out the lack of blood splatter, since the body could’ve been moved?

Aww, Beckett tries to cover up her fangirlyness about the fansite, but then totally gives it away when she sees Gabriel Winters. Max Rennard ~= Mal Reynolds. Eh? Eh? She is such a total fangirl as she walks up to him, and trying to hide her smile as he’s telling them about how the show was unjustly cancelled, modifies the show’s phrase “may fortune guide your journey,” and so forth. Though, she does seem a little off-put by his “Dismissed” comment at the end, and has a grumpy look.

Oh man, if only someone had been able to get the rights to the show after Fox was done with them. But I think it’s true that if someone had done webisodes of Firefly, I wouldn’t have wanted to watch them.

Aw, Beckett — and her multiple Nebula-9 outfits — got outed. Also, “frakkin’ awesome” — BSG reference?

Perlmutter: I love his “non-detective Castle” greeting in contrast to “detective Beckett.” And Castle’s clearly having some sort of orgasmic reaction to the appropriateness of the style of killing to the situation.

Commercial break! Aaand we’re back.

Why does Castle have a life-sized Boba Fett in his bathroom?? Hehe, Castle’s trying to avoid insulting Beckett, and Beckett’s trying to keep her professionalism and not use the word “blaster.”

Fans!! Where do I begin? There’s an albino Wookie who has a face that more resembles a Tusken Raider and only speaks Mersatonain, a fan who’s “not that fluent” in Mersatonian, a woman with mysteriously adhesive leaves (oh, poor Javi looks like he’s going to pass out when she walks away with fewer leaves on her boob and his pen), and a girl who’s supposed to be speaking lingo from something else, I assume, but she doesn’t pull off the lingo the same way that Fray does; that is, when Fray speaks, it’s understandable with context and you can really believe that the English language has evolved over time, but with this fan, there’s only a few words that are different and the writers seemed like they were having a hard time figuring out what they could change while still making her comprehensible.

Yes, Beckett, I’m sure you have to interview Lt. Chloe and aren’t looking forward to it. Though, I feel bad for her when the actress totally slams the show, and she looks all queasy, and then rolls her eyes at the actress’ new cardboard cutoff figure with that stereotypical Hollywood pose of showing her backside and holding a gun.

Poor Castle! Alexis looks awesome, though (although I think her hair looks more messy than messy-glamorous). So while mention of “Princess Leia costume” in the context of a scifi con tends to evoke images of the slave Leia outfit from Return of the Jedi, this is why I assumed, earlier, that this was not the kind of Leia outfit Alexis wore when she was little.

“As you wish” — Princess Bride reference!

Poor Beckett, with Gabriel Winters calling the fans “lunatics.” And that he had “a burning desire to see his doctor.” Eww.

Yes, Ryan totally seems like the kind of guy who’d do tabletop.

Creavers! “Evil alien race from Nebula-9. Nasty creatures. They’ll eat your face off while you’re still alive, and then, serve your organs to their young.” Sound like reavers, anyone?

Armin Shimerman! Quark (and also Principal Snyder from Buffy)! And he’s wearing a “han shot first” T-shirt, hehe. “So what can I interest you in? A Klingon bat’leff, perhaps? Cylon laser pistol? A double-bladed lightsaber?” Castle is so excited about the double-bladed lightsaber, as am I. And Shimerman’s character says that Beckett has good taste for wanting a Thorian blaster.

Uh-oh, Castle wasn’t wearing protection when he fired the laser… oh noes, what about radiation? Poor Castle is all worried and “tingly.” Mentions of the Hulk, the Thing, the Leader, and Dr. Manhattan.

Anabelle made the show popular again, and so “they” were talking about rebooting the series, maybe even making a movie… well, I’m glad Joss got to make Serenity, and that some of the other stories (like Book’s) got told in comic form.

Aw, Castle is adorable, trying to imitate Patrick Stewart. And of course he would want to know if Beckett’s dreams of being in the Nebula-9 were sexy ones.

Beckett’s explanation of what the show meant to her is lovely and heartwarming.

Audrey is so short; how could she have stashed the body in the Oracle pod?

Given Winters’ calm and sarcastic reaction, he must know something about the blaster. And he does!

“Mark of Claderesh,” “Andorian empath,” “May fortune guide your journey.” But of course his “it’s a lot easier when the stunt guys do it” is hilarious. And Castle seems to have come around to Nebula-9, or at least appreciates rubbing in the cheesiness of of the show to the actress.

Beckett’s bait-and-switch is awesome. That is all.

Dollhouse: “Epitaph Two: Return”

My thoughts as I watched the episode, just because. Yes, this is pretty much just a dump of thoughts, all jumbled together.

The speculation in the jeep is interesting. Maybe they got hit with a blanket signal, maybe they were on a corporate retreat; who knows how they got here? The point is, a lot has changed, and there’s a lot that’s been made plausible by the huge time jump. It’s also reasonable exposition to remind viewers of the current state of things.

Hmm, are those guys possibly Echo’s crew? Ah, no, alas. They’re from Neuropolis. And haha, the term “Death Star” survived.

Wow, that guy is a disgusting pig. That shot could have been cut better, because Ambrose is clearly about to open his mouth and continue speaking, and he looks like he should’ve gotten more out of his mouth before Harding says “Watch it.” Also, it figures that the higher-ups would be trading in bodies and just using and disposing them, which is just terrible. I mean, you know he’s not going to keep his word on the elliptical.

I think that shot of Eliza Dushku getting ready to throw that punch from the POV of the guy she’s about to punch is such a great one ^_^

That kid is so definitely Sierra and Victor’s. Hmm, except they split up, in that flashback from “Epitaph One.” Well, we’ll see. And, “awww, there goes Joss and his strawberries, just like with Kaylee in Firefly, again.”

I’m not sure I think that’s the correct delivery of the line “Aren’t you?” from mini-Echo. She puts the emphasis on “you,” but I feel like the emphasis should be on the “aren’t.” Anyway.

Oh look, Firefly similarities again: “You will keep a civil tongue in {this house,that mouth},” or something like that. But the little-teapot-short-and-stout thing? So cute. <3 Topher.

“World still needs heroes, kid.” That sounds so much like something I’d hear from Firefly. The tone, at least. And I think it’s wonderful how everyone just bursts out laughing, like they really are family, like they really are who their characters are, the way that the Firefly cast was so comfortable around each other, the way that sometimes a scene would just cut to the laughing Buffy cast in the middle of an episode.

“She loves it when you’re corny.” *giggles* That’s so adorable. And true; that is, corny/dorky can be very cute.

So here’s what I don’t get: why do they all storm outside, without cover, when the thing that’s rolling into their yard is so heavily armored? Hmm, what an interesting language. And what interesting tech.

“Tech heads,” eh? Definitely believable from the episode when Victor went all hive-mind on them, and also because he took the extra fighting skills that Topher offered him in the last episode. And awww, Mag likes Kilo! Speaking of which: I’m glad Maurissa’s back. She’s all cute and tough, which is adorable. I don’t know how I feel about this scene with Kilo and Zone, though. He makes a snide comment about how apparently everyone likes girls, referencing his recent realization that Mag does, and there’s this exchange about the thumb drives. Sure, it explains how the tech heads work, but…the humor just doesn’t quite catch me, here, about taking out “mercy” to make room for the “weapons expert.”

It’s evident, though, that Tony loves Priya, despite that he decided to be a tech head against her wishes. Makes you wish you could help her to see, to understand, that.

What an interesting conversation between Paul and Echo, showing how their relationship has developed over the past ten years. I am somewhat amused at the line about how Echo’s got a bunch of people in her head but she’s the loneliest person Paul knows, because it reminds me of the conversation between Buffy and Faith, about how Faith thinks that Buffy is the one surrounded by family and friends, when really, she’s all alone because she’s the Slayer.

Faith: So, here’s the laugh riot. My whole life, I’ve been a loner.
Buffy: That’s the funny part? Did I miss something?
Faith: I’m trying to–
Buffy: Sorry. Sorry, go.
Faith: No ties. No buddies. No relationships that lasted longer than…well, Robin lasted pretty long. Boy’s got stamina.
Buffy: Principal Wood? And you? And in my…
Faith: Don’t tell me you two got wriggly?
Buffy: No, no, no no. We’re just…good friends. Or, mortal enemies, depending on which day of the– was that the funny part?
Faith: Okay, the point: me, by myself all the time. And looking at you, everything you have, and, I don’t know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody’s looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I’ve never felt so alone in my entire life.
Buffy: Yeah.
Faith: And that’s you, every day, isn’t it.
Buffy: I love my friends. I’m very grateful for them. But that’s the price. Being a Slayer.
Faith: There’s only supposed to be one. Maybe that’s why you and I can never get along. We’re not supposed to exist together.
Buffy: Also you went evil and were killing people.
Faith: Good point. Also a factor.
Buffy: But you’re right. I mean, I…I guess everyone’s alone. But, being a Slayer. There’s a burden we can’t share.
Faith: And no one else can feel it. Thank God we’re hot chicks with super powers.
Buffy: Takes the edge off.
Faith: Comforting.
Buffy: Mm-hmm.

(Last part is just there for the laughs. Yay Joss ^_^)

Oh, evolution at work, eh? Super-butchers! And that icky cannibalism thing again.

Ohh…Mag. Ohhhh…Paul. Crap. Also, that gunshot…didn’t it exit through his forehead? Aren’t exit wounds normally largish? Anyway, the way Echo tells Victor, “That’s all of us,” it is so much like the ending of Serenity, when Zoe tells the others that Wash isn’t coming. >_<

The way Alpha looks at Echo, off-screen, after she says “we lost him,” you can tell that he still wants her. I was thinking, “Damnit Alpha, he just died.”

Oh boy, rebels. But their logic makes sense. They’ve adapted to thrive in this new world, so of course they “like” it in their own twisted way, since they’re the ones who’re going to come out on top, eventually. Kilo calling Echo “sister” is so interesting — the dolls still recognize each other as some form of equals. And oh, Topher, he looks like a little chipmunk or groundhog or something, perched up like that.

Hehe, Alpha is always so verbose and hilarious. “Because we’re not freakshows. Well, okay, maybe I am. And, Echo. Topher’s a little off, but, Adelle: she’s a class act all the way.” And he can always tell when he’s about to lose his audience, and gets straight back to the point. Very good.

It’s interesting, what Victor says: “I know how good it feels. Skip learning the hard way. Skip the long hours, the sweat, the training. Just to feel the thrill of perfection. But if we’re going to rebuild the world, I wanna do it myself.” Let’s ask ourselves, then, if we had the choice of being able to acquire a skill without having to work for it, would we want it? Would we actually want it? Does achieving some level of perfection at a skill only bring that sense of satisfaction, of accomplishment, if you have to work for it, if you know that you struggled to get there?

Aww, Kilo’s line: “Oh God, she’s so cool.” So adorable. Maurissa is totally awesome in my book. She’s a groupie, just like she was in Dr. Horrible!

And Topher, again: so adorable, in his almost-childlike state. He’s so free, and bounces around, and is just…so innocent. Alpha, also, offers his personalized funny: “Eh, it spoke to the schizophrenic in me. Well, both of them, actually.”

This scene is wonderfully done. It’s wonderfully set up, because they forced us to ignore his death earlier, or, at least, didn’t give us enough time to process it. And the dialogue segues nicely, so long as you’re not metagaming. What she says is so true, for both her and Sierra, until she gets to the point where she says that he’s dead. And this is where Priya’s chance to rebuild her family also really hits: she’s got to see it, now. She’s got to take advantage of it. The monologue is wonderfully done because it sets you up, emotionally, to start thinking, “that’s right, stop moping and take advantage of the time you have left,” and then it hits you that there is no time left, because we’re not talking about Priya and Victor anymore, and instead we’re talking about Echo and Paul. There are a few parts where I dislike the delivery of the lines, because her intonation is slightly different from what I feel like it ought to be, but on the whole, the scene is still nicely designed and executed.

Topher’s feelings for Bennett, Adelle and Topher’s relationship…it’s all evolved the way one might expect, over the time that has elapsed since we last saw them. And when Adelle realizes that Topher’s not coming back, and Topher says that he didn’t want to cause any more pain…you kind of realize that Topher has realized just what he’s done with his tech, and he wants it to be buried with him.

Mm, good for Priya, that she’s come to understand Tony’s motivations, and that they can all be together again. They’ll make things work, I know they will. It’s like Echo said: they erased Tony’s brain time and time again, and he still loved her. It occurs to me, then: is this a commentary that there are certain connections between people that just can’t be explained, that simply are, and that there are people, or maybe a single person, out there, who completes you the way that Priya and Tony so obviously complete each other and belong with each other?

Mag and Zone have a hilarious relationship. “And you, stumpy, aren’t going anywhere. Except maybe down…” (referring, of course, to Mag’s liking Kilo). And then she rebuts, “Try not to have any influence on her of any kind.” Huh, a landscape architect? People really do change and adapt in unpredictable and amazing ways in the face of adversity, don’t they.

Hmm, Alpha’s planning to revert? Is he really going to be wiped back as cleanly as everyone else is, back to the killer that he was (after all, the Dollhouse recruited him from a prison), or will he retain some of his Alpha personality, and have evolved? That would be an interesting story to watch unfold, or speculate on.

Here’s a terrifying thought: what if they timed their emergence into the world too early, so that the butchers slaughtered them before Topher could set up and set off the explosive? Anyway, that shockwave from the building reminds me of the watchers being slaughtered.

I wish Zone had smiled a little more. It felt a little insincere, the way he said it. A little…cynical? As if Boyd were saying it, but he had some hidden agenda, or didn’t mean it, or something. Maybe even sinister, in the case of Boyd.

And now, we finally get to see what’s underneath all of the memories in Echo’s head, behind the scenes that pop out of the screen and leave behind… Echo and Paul. So here’s my question: what version of Paul did Echo get, exactly? Did she get the Paul that loved her before Alpha damaged his brain so that Topher had to rewire him without the fond memories of Echo? If so, was he told that ten years had passed, the way the Victor was apparently expecting to awaken with extra fighting skills in the last episode? Or maybe she got some version of Paul that had evolved inside Alpha over the last ten years, and the favor he’d wanted was from Topher, to help him dump that Paul onto a drive for Echo?

Lastly, this is kind of silly, but watching Echo take a jump-step into her pod, I am vaguely reminded of when Felicia Day “stepped” off the stage in Dr. Horrible, but in reality, it was a six-foot drop or something.

All in all, a reasonable wrap-up to the show, I think. Rather hurried, sure (I’d have liked to see them spend more time on Boyd’s history instead of just blowing him up last episode, and I’d have liked to see more a lot of the other development as well, although that’s more easily extrapolated), but on the whole, it really did wrap things up nicely, and gave some amount of closure to many of the story lines that I think a lot of fans were hoping for.

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