“还珠哥哥” 主题曲 (”Princess Pearl” Theme Song) – “不能和你分手” (Unable To Part Ways From You) Translation

当时间停住 日夜不分
当天地万物 化为虚有
你的温柔是我今生 最大的守候

当春夏秋冬 不再变换
当花草树木 全部凋残
你的笑容是我今生 最大的眷恋

让我们红尘作伴 活得潇潇洒洒
策马奔腾 共享人世繁华
对酒当歌 唱出心中喜悦
轰轰烈烈 把握青春年华

At the time when mountain peaks no longer have peaks
When river waters no longer flow
When time stops, and day and night become one
When the ten thousand (multitude of) things of the heavens and earth become nothing
I still won’t be able to part ways from you
Unable to part ways from you
Your warmth is the greatest thing I have to wait for in this life of mine

At the time when the sun no longer rises
When the Earth no longer rotates
When spring, summer, autumn, and winter no longer exchange places
When the flowers and plants and trees all wither and die
I still won’t be able to separate myself from you
Unable to separate myself from you
Your smile is what I am most attached to in this life of mine

Let us keep each other company in this mortal world, living freely (as the wind and rain)
Urge our horses to gallop, together enjoying the bustle of the human world
Allow wine to act as song, singing out the joy in our hearts
Strongly, hold on to the years of our youth

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